This year the People’s Life Fund is proud to support the following Northern California projects for a total of $14,000 (plus a $2,000 grant to support the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee):
Alternative Breaks Puerto Rico – Spring-break brigades for grass roots rebuilding efforts in Puerto Rico and awareness building in USA.
CAMP for Emerging Leaders – a 5-day trauma informed leadership training for Bhutanese organizers and activists.
California Coalition of Women Prisoners – campaign to encourage commutation of all 5200+ people serving Life Without Parole in CA prisons and to ultimately remove Life w/o Parlole from the state penal code.
FOR Peace Presence Cross Border Tour – speaking tour and cross-border exchange between environmental activists in Colombia with activists in the US, specifically in California.
Frailty Myths – woodworking scholarships to empower women, trans, and gender non-conforming people in marginalized communities by offering hands-on, skills training in traditionally male dominated activities.
Indigenous People’s Day – Stipends to support Indigenous artists at the 27th Annual Indigenous People’s Day Pow Wow and Indian Market, to be held on Saturday, October 12, 201 in Berkeley.
LGBT Asylum – providing pro-bono legal representation for LGBT immigrants who are fleeing persecution and seeking asylum.
Mam Cultural Exchange – public event that will showcase the culture, traditions, and history of Oakland’s indigenous Mam Mayan community and facilitate intercultural exchange.
Oakland Catholic Workers – weekly neighborhood food distribution combined with organizing and education and advocacy for the immigrant community.
Oakland Communities United for Equity and Justice – create systems and structures to coordinate between the three programs that make up OCUEJ to advance the health, self determination and restorative economics for low income communities in Oakland.
Permaculture Action Network – collaborate with local community-based organizations to host Permaculture Action Days over the next year in Northern California.
Serenity House – provide emergency housing & counseling services to help women survivors of addiction, violence, homelessness, and incarceration HEAL, EMPOWER, and ACHIEVE their dreams.