
We look forward to connecting with you about redirecting your tax dollars away from killing and war toward building a more just and sustainable world.

You are welcome to contact us if you are considering some form or war tax refusal and could use some assistance, or just have a question. If you are already a Bay Area resister, we hope you will join us for mutual support and collective action. If you are not in a position to resist taxes, but would like to support those who do, we can always use your help! We look forward to working together for peace and justice.



P.O. Box 2422
Berkeley, CA 94702

Northern California War Tax Resistance and the People’s Life Fund are all-volunteer organizations without a physical office.

Please reach out to us by email or phone and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. We check our snail mail less frequently, so give us a call or email to give us a heads up if you are sending something by snail mail.